Just a Thought…Winter Angst

The winter angst is hitting me different this year. And not in a good way… 

Let’s play “Seasonal Affective Disorder Is a Real Thing.” 

If you have all of these, you win!!

Low energy…Irritability…Difficulty Concentrating…Changes in Sleep Patterns…Increased craving for carbs…

BINGO!!!! Yay, I’m winning!! But there’s no prize?

Inner Brat Voice: What do you MEAN, there’s no prize? I won.

Note: This bratty voice is exactly like Veruca Salt. Don’t judge me, I’m not proud of it and if we’re all honest, everyone has a bratty, irritated, sun and salt water deprived inner child lurking deep down. Don’t lie.

Winning would look like better sleep, more energy & more joy. Don’t get me wrong, I take responsibility. It’s not my first time at the Rochester Winter Rodeo (I’ve been here for almost 25 years)…I have developed an airtight, 100% guaranteed strategy through the years and it always helps:

Getting outside…Staying hydrated…Resting when I need to rest…Embracing the beauty of snow…hats with pom poms…the smell of Coppertone & chlorine…sun lamp…more vitamin C and D…Nature…fresh air…and mindfulness.

I know these things that help this time of year and, yes, one of them is practicing Mindful Meditation. Even science agrees. I truly and sincerely know it helps (otherwise, I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing) so why do I resist making time for meditation or want an easier fix like blinking my eyes and finding myself on a beautiful beach in the sun with someone fetching me cold drinks?!!!

Inner Brat Voice: Take me to the ocean immediately!!!! Because my usual strategies are not. Working. Ocean now!!

Wise Inside Voice: Ok girl, do you hear yourself? Your usual strategies are not working in the same way this year. Because you’re not the same and the world around you is not the same and perhaps you need to add something different to the mix.

Bratty Inner Voice: You mean changing my perspective? How dare you? I found something that worked and I’m done. Pffffftttt.

Wise Inner Voice: Calm your ass down. Perhaps gently ask yourself what might be missing? Adding or something new or do more of something that’s missing. 

Reasonable Inner Voice: Ohhhhh yeah, I’ve done that before. Cool. Thanks for the perspective and reminder on that, Wise Inner Voice. 

Wise Inner Voice: Sigh. It’s ok, someday you’ll learn. Sometimes doing what we’ve always done in the same way just won’t work forever. 

Bratty Inner Voice: Ok, enough. I hear you. (So annoying when she’s right. Ugh.)

So here’s how something that I needed more of popped up. Last week, a good friend sent me a text asking how I was doing.

I responded, “Meh.”

He said, “you know what helps…Mindfulness.”

I swear, I almost drove to Syracuse to slap him in person. Can you believe he used my tagline AGAINST ME?!!! What a jerk. What a hilarious jerk that I’ve been good friends with for 30+ years and he knows exactly how to interrupt the funk for me. He makes me laugh, always has. We weren’t allowed to sit together then and now. Joe’s going to want to see his name here (attention seeking, as always, lol) so here you go, happy now? hehe


More laughter was definitely the missing puzzle piece to interrupt my funk? Laughter!! It will cure what ails you. Do you think Bruno Mars would consider a sequel to Uptown Funk?

“Uptown interrupt the winter funk.

Uptown interrupt the winter funk you up.”

Don’t steal this, I will find you.

I’m adding more humor, lightness and laughter to my bag of tricks for my seasonal affective disorder. I NEED it in this dark, cloudy and cold season when it feels like there’s no sun and laughter. It’s ok to laugh. In fact, it’s necessary. Going inward when it’s cold and dreary is good, allowing rest like nature. If we won’t find balance, though, we can get stuck in our heads and bodies. Balance requires the light, laughter and fun.

I’m intentionally adding some laughter (hopefully not rocking in the corner, insane clown type of laughter), this Winter. I know, the seasons will change and it won’t be long before the days are longer and we’re outside to hear more laughter and feel the sun on our bodies.

Here’s my short term intention: More comedy and less true crime stories. 

Wise Inner Voice: There you go, I’m proud of you. But have you SEEN the new show on  HBO with Jodie Foster? It’s crazy dark, you’d love it!!

Stay warm, go inward and also come out of the cave for some laughter, too, every once in a while. Joe will be happy to tell you terrible jokes to help, don’t forget to leave a tip.



Just a Thought…about Mindfulness


Just a thought…About Insight