Just a Thought…Music

The Perfect Playlist

One of my favorite things is a perfect playlist. You know the one. It has a blend of songs with just the right energy and message for the moment? Sometimes I just need an ANTHEM for the day, week, month, lifetime.

I’m listening to a playlist right now and it’s helping me feel motivated to work and move and it’s also giving a pep talk from my BFF’s: Adele, Alicia Keys and Pink. I’m feeling the power Madonna’s “Ray of Light” all through me, turn it UP! I sent it to my friend to get her day going, too. Another day, she’ll send me one and we both know it’s our way of saying, “listen to this, it’s alllllll the things you need right now.” 

Anyone remember making mix tapes? My formative years were in the 80’s and the best gift you could give and receive was the perfect mix cassette tape. Yes, you read that correctly. Cassette tapes. You kids have it so easy now. Back in MY day I had to wait for the song to play and record manually and a DJ was always talking over the first few seconds. I do love how easy it is now to save favorite songs and compile playlists for all the feels.

Also, I recommend watching the movie, “High Fidelity” with John Cusack sometime and then watch the updated tv version with Lisa Bonet for a full understanding of The Mix Tape.

A mix tape for a crush was like a serenade, a poem…Oh Romeo, play that funky music and declare your love. Creating the perfect collection was huge. What if they don’t like my favorite songs? Or understand what I’m trying to say with song because I’m too socially awkward and anxious to say or write it? Do they like me? Check yes or no, please. 

Playlists express what’s going on in our minds, body and soul. Creating a playlist is a way to express our thoughts and feelings, publicly and privately. If it’s public, especially to that special someone…it’s profoundly scary and vulnerable. How scary to share a guilty pleasure like the Partridge Family’s, “I think I love you.”

I may or may not have just listened to it on loop for a while while writing this. Listen to it, you can’t resist it. Please don’t judge me.

We all need something to express the strength, exhaustion and triumphs of life, right? Feeling heard, appreciated and like we matter is, on a very basic level, necessary for all human beings. When we communicate our thoughts and feelings out loud, in writing or in a playlist, are we not asking to be understood, heard and appreciated. Do you hear me? Are you paying attention? Does what I’m saying matter? I love you. I hate you. Do you think you love me? I think I love youuuuuuuu, I think I love youuuuuu. Here’s the link again.

What if we made a playlist to express all of our stuff — the good, the bad and the silly - and shared it. And what if that person really listened to it and 100% understood and appreciated us in that moment. Take a few breaths and mindfully make a mix tape for someone.

Just a thought. 

P.S. Hi, Grace! 


Just a thought…Stress


Just a Thought…Seasonal Anxiety